Cant access WAPTenant Portal - Error "Sorry, we can't complete that request."

Hello trying to install Azure Pack via the following how to

All going well except when I try open the Tenant Portal - Getting the following message when I try to access the page

"Sorry, we can't complete that request." with no error or logs in the inetpub folders

No issues on the SQL server or errors and all virtual servers can see and access each other (firewalls off).  All DNS records are correct and I can access the Admin Portal with no issues.

Anyone got any clues or where I can check logs as c:\inetpub\any folder shows any error logs

Thanks in advance

September 6th, 2013 3:54pm


Are Microsoft not supposed to be monitoring and engaging with people?

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September 20th, 2013 1:30pm


Did you ever get an answer or figure it out? I am having exactly the ame issue.

February 12th, 2014 3:59pm

yes for me it was a rebuild - something went wrong on install.


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February 15th, 2014 4:43pm

Anyone have an actual fix for this?  My tenant site was working just fine for a while and now, after no changes to the system, I am getting:

Sorry, we can't complete that request.  The identify provider configuration is not valid.  Try and re-configure trust with an identity provider.

I've rebooted the azure pack servers and DB box.  No dice.

December 8th, 2014 5:16pm

Are you using ADFS to access your tenent portal? Have you verified the DNS records.
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February 20th, 2015 3:43pm

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